Well, here is our story as I take you through a life in another country through my eyes. For those who are not familar with our story, I will give you a brief detail. My name is Kacie, I am a mommy, a wife, a friend, a cook, a house cleaner, a tear wiper and so my duties could go on and on. My husband John is a successful Chemical Engineer and the best provider/Daddy anyone can ever ask for. We reside in Orange County, Ca but currerently are living in Haarlem, Netherlands where we were transfered for a short time with my husbands company and so this brings me to share with you all "another life we are living."
About a year and a half ago John came to me and explained there could be a chance we would have to move to the Netherlands. He was working with some clients that needed a plant built and that he was the lead Engineer on the project. At the time, I was pregnant with our first daughter and just brushed it aside, thinking in my head it will never happen. Well I was wrong. Our life continued to go on with the subject brought up many times, but there was one time about 6 months ago where is he truely serious and we needed make a decision whether we would go or stay. I of course have barely been to any states let alone to another Country so my immediate response was No. We had talked about the pro's and con's of it all and realized the pro's out weighed the con's and we needed to go and enjoy this experience for what its worth. I was still scared as how I would make it with a one year old baby and (recent news) another on the way but I was willing to do what it took for my husband and his future career. Many would say its three months thats nothing, but for someone who has never been out of the country nor really has any interest too, three months seems like eternity. But I love my husband, would do anything for him and sometimes life throws you in a curve and you realize this is Gods plan, enjoy it. And so we will try...
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