Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This is Reality

About 2 weeks before we were scheduled to leave we recieved our package with all details on our living arrangments as in flight details, expensenses, ect. Seeing all the extras I would call it, I actually started to get excited. Not saying thats what its all about but when your able to save money and live somewhere for free, Id think you would be excited too. :) The one thing I was a little iffy on was where we were going to live. I really wanted to know where they would place us as I wanted to research it out and make sure it was decent for our expectations. Well it didnt happen, I dont think they were even sure where we were going to live as the Haarlem office was still searching for a place for us as we were flying there. Thats ok we just went with the flow. Weeks, days, and hours passed, John was getting things organized and I knew the days were drawing closer to say goodbye to family and friends. It was hard, but it could be worse so I kept smiling and (trying) to stay positive. We enjoyed our last gatherings with family and friends days before and took off to LAX on July 6th, 11 bags, 1 car seat, and stoller in tow. John had sweat dripping, heart rate pumping, and a baby in hand by the time we got on the plan. Poor guy, he was trying to do all the carrying and lifting as he didnt want me to over due it with pregnancy, so sweet. We got into our seats and everything was great. Haylie was happy, John had a drink, and I was taking it all in. 10 min. after we take off Haylie starts gets antsy and fussy mainly due because of exhaustion but also she wanted to get down and crawl. I was overwhelmed as we were flying in business class and for 8500 a ticket im sure these people didnt want to hear a screaming child for 10 hrs of our flight. We finally got her to sleep, got our "gourmet" dinner and enjoyed the hour of quietness. Through the rest of the flight we managed to try and enjoy our luxuary seating, amenities, and a baby we wanted to sleep as the time change is different. It didnt necessarly happen that way, but we made it here and thats all that matters. Here are a few pics of our flight...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh that picture of her sleeping is too precious!

    - Sarah
